Thursday, February 29, 2024

This could be The Year of Inner Wisdom

Tami Simon (; Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Diana Winston (MARC UCLA)
What does Sounds True One think I can learn for Inner Wisdom? And who would teach me but me?

Life is unpredictable, but our path to fulfillment doesn’t have to be. Sounds True has worked with some of the leading wisdom teachers of our time to craft a journey of transformational programming to stay centered, listen to our inner voice, and awaken our full potential. Activate this inner wisdom with Sounds True this year.

Meet the Teachers

  • Pema Chödrön, author, American Buddhist nun, teacher
  • Dr. Gabor Maté, MD, author, speaker, addiction medicine specialist, physician
  • Tara Brach American Buddhist meditation teacher, bestselling author
  • Jack Kornfield American Buddhist teacher, Bay Area therapist, author, activist
  • Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith author and spiritual teacher from The Secret
  • Michael A. Singer bestselling author and spiritual teacher
  • Dr. Peter Levine, Ph.D. bestselling author, developer of Somatic Experiencing®
  • Caroline Myss bestselling author, speaker
  • Lama Rod Owens Black Buddhist Southern Queen
  • Dr. Richard Davidson, Ph.D., neuroscientist, bestselling author
  • Donna Eden energy medicine practitioner, author, teacher [WQ's favorite healer!]
  • Rev. Mpho Tutu van Furth Episcopal priest, artist, author, public speaker
  • Dr. Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D. author, founder of Internal Family Systems
  • Wim Hof author, Western pranayama (breath control) extreme athlete, global health leader
  • Robert Peng Qigong Master, author, teacher
  • Deb Dana author, Polyvagal Theory expert
  • Sounds True Founder Tami Simon
  • Tami Simon founder and voice of Sounds True
  • Justin Michael Williams artist, author, activist
  • john a. powell author, professor of law and ethnic studies
  • Shiva Rea author, yoga teacher
  • Yung Pueblo bestselling author
  • Eckhart Tolle spiritual teacher, bestselling author of The Power of Now More
What if American Buddhist teacher Shinzen Young had something important to say?

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