Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Saint Trump is Mother Teresa of fraud

Does anyone see how ugly and misshapen Trump is? And that's with heavy makeup and dye.

Trump trial in jury’s hands, De Niro blasts Don Old, and "Butt" Wheel of Fortune contestant
It's bigly rigged, it's wriggly. Witch hunt
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) May 29, 2024: Kimmel’s son Billy had open heart surgery over the weekend at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (and is doing very well), so he has been absent for a few days as The Injustice System closes in on the Moron Don. Kimmel thanks everyone for their good wishes, and now it's time to get back to work exposing and excoriating the Fraudfather.

You're very presidential, Mother. - Thanks, Ron.
After spending five days in the hospital, Kimmel and his wife brought Billy home and they discovered a hawk inside, the New York jury in the Trump felony financial fraud case (hush money trial) is still out and Trump’s only move is to make it seem like he knows he is about to become a convicted felon but that it's only because (chant it with Trump and Team MAGA) the whole deal is rigged against him.

Trump: Should I FLEE ahead of verdict?
Robert De Niro had a pro-Biden press conference outside the courthouse yesterday at which he lambasted Trump quite spectacularly, Don Jr. put on his fightin’ chin to defend his dad against mean old man De Niro, Eric was out there too giving a rousing speech in orange daddy’s defense, someone in Trump’s camp thought it would be a good idea for him to speak at the Libertarian National Convention where they booed him, and Jimmy chats with the man who gave the funniest answer in Wheel of Fortune history with the phrase “Right in the butt.” #Kimmel

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