Thursday, May 23, 2024

Can Buddhism be summarized in a nutshell?

What is the Buddha-Dharma?
One way to summarize Buddhism, which is vast and varied, broken up into various schools, and differing from country to country is to say that what Buddh-ism ("Awaken-ism") is really a path to enlightenment. Nearly everything else is commentary. Buddhism in a nutshell is the compacted message of the Four Noble Truths. Noble means "enlightened," and the four truths are ennobling = enlightening. Again and again, the Buddha's Teaching (the Doctrine or Dharma of the Awakened One) comes back to this.

Many things are true, but very few lead to bodhi
Students completely misunderstand if they adopt the view that these are four propositions to believe, memorize, repeat, or anything like that. These are not dogmas but fundamental truths about life that lead to the complete end of suffering because all suffering is rooted in ignorance and delusion. Life is an illusion because although things are impermanent, disappointing, and impersonal, we take it to be the exact opposite. Buddhism is not a faith to adopt. It is a path-of-practice to penetrate by calm and insight (samadhi and vipassana or the meditative absorptions and practice of Dependent Origination).

Buddhism is kinda out there, Man
(Exurb1a) In three years this video has garnered 4.1 million views. For those interested in Buddhism, this is some stuff the author certainly got a kick out of over the years: A massive amount of this video comes from a lecture series by Malcolm David Eckel. Listen to it (; it's just ace. And no, this is not sponsored.
Geometry for Ocelots
Exurb1a wrote a book, Geometry for Ocelots, where it's the end of history. Humanity transitioned to the era of holy technology. Now humans present as saintly animals, spending their days in meditation and drug-induced euphoria, far from the dark secrets their paradise is founded upon. Then an ancient prophet returns in the form of a troubled young girl. Galactic peace can only last so long. Geometry for Ocelots is the story of two monarch siblings gone to war — a holy empress and an alcoholic dean of a university. With galactic resources dwindling, both believe they hold the answer to the crisis, spiritual salvation
or technological nirvana.

► Other books  ► T-shirts, mugs, and sadness ► Exurb1a also makes horrendous music ► exurbia-1exurbia-1 For sending personalized insults ► exurb1a. Help him do this kind of thing full-time for those deranged enough think he should ►
  • Exurb1a, 6/3/21; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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