Monday, May 6, 2024

Survivors of Parkland shooting die by suicide

Is suicide murder? - Yes, it is. - Who is the guilty party? - The killer or the bully? - The killer.
Where are David Hogg and Emma González?
Ashley White reporting for via MSN (5/6/24):

Two survivors of the Parkland school shooting have committed suicide within the past week [but not according to Wikipedia, which states they killed themselves on March 17 of 2019 and a week later, respectively], leading to speculations about the enduring pain and trauma stemming from [staged or real school] gun violence [and their possible complicity and attempted activism with groomed media darlings Emma González and David Hogg, who have hogged the spotlight as tools or youth advocates for gun control].
Nabbing the patsy, Nicholas Cruz taken down
Sydney Aiello
, a recent graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, took her own life last weekend, while another survivor, a current student, Calvin Desir, has also died by suicide.

These deaths occurred over a year after the shooting that claimed the lives of 14 students and three teachers, sparking a nationwide debate on gun violence. Sydney Aiello, who was close friends with one of the shooting victims, Meadow Pollack, struggled with “survivor’s guilt” even after graduating from Stoneman Douglas. Her parents revealed that she had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), underscoring the lasting impact of such traumatic events on survivors. The Pollack family expressed their heartbreak over Aiello’s death, attributing it in part to the ripple effect of the shooting.
  • (Wiki) Survivors of the shooting, teachers and students alike, are said to have struggled with survivor's guilt and other symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) [68, 75, 76]. On March 17, 2019, thirteen months after the shooting, 19-year-old Sydney Aiello, who survived and whose friend Meadow Pollack had been killed during the shooting, killed herself by suicide after struggling to attend college.
  • She claimed she was terrified of being in a classroom and also had been treated for survivor's guilt and PTSD [77, 78]. Less than a week later, 16-year-old Calvin Desir, who had also survived the shooting, also murdered himself in an apparent suicide [79], compounding the tragedy.
  • Ashley White ( via MSN, 5/6/24); Jeff Rense (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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