Thursday, July 24, 2008

Buddhist Talks on "DharmaSeed"

Is it “free”? There is no charge for using Stream or download hundreds of talks.
Click “stream” (near title) to listen right away.Or hit "download" to make yourself a copy. You're then free to listen to it on your computer as many times as you like, make a CD out of it, or share it with others.
However, you can't repackage talks to sell to others. Nor can you use portions of the talks for other projects or products. You can, however, give them away: the vast majority of these files are covered by a “Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved” license.
When you share the Dharma, always credit the person or organization who owns this Creative Commons copyright. If you give the talks to others, it's imperative you inform them the talks are protected by copyright in this way.
Some teachers, including most monastics, have placed their talks in the "public domain." So even the modest restrictions above do not apply. This is an act of trust by those making these talks available as an offering, not an invitation to take any particular action. (Keep in mind that treating Dharma teachings as precious is itself a valuable practice of the teachings).

CD or Cassette Ordering
Dharma Seed developed this Website because for most people, downloading or streaming a talk (i.e., listening to it when you're online) is the easiest way to hear it. It is also the most efficient way to make talks available. For some, however, a CD or tape may be the only way to hear the talks. You're welcome to ask someone to make you a CD or tape.
You can also use the "order" button next to each talk to order CDs or tapes from a small organization named Dharma Hardcopy (not directly associated with Dharma Seed) that charges a fee to cover their costs and to receive some modest compensation for this service. You may also donate to the service.
Include title of the talk, date, and name of teacher when contacting.
Write: Dharma Hardcopy, P.O. Box 464, Winchester, NH 03470
Call: (800) 969-7333
Wisdom Quarterly Recommended!

  • Attained meditators on how to attain: Rasmussen & Snyder (from July 2008 "Forest Refuge" retreat attended by Wisdom Quarterly staff)
  • Talks tailored to the analytically-minded: Scientists Retreat

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