Thursday, July 31, 2008

Relic Tour in Hollywood

By Seven Jaini for Wisdom Quarterly

The Maitreya Project's Relic Tour came through Hollywood midsummer. (See full schedule for North America and Europe).
The event, sponsored by Golden Bridge Yoga, included Relic Blessings, relic blessed waters, constant meditation, respectful circumambulation, bell singing (for musicians), and baby Buddha bathing. Relics on display belonged to Shakyamui Buddha, Kassapa Buddha, a few Great Disciples, and the funerary remains of a famous Tibetan lamas. The Buddhist Channel covered the San Jose tour stop earlier this month.

Sample of Shakyamuni's relics (Maitreya Project)

One psychic meditator ("Ron") explains that "relics are condensed consciousness" capable of appearing, disappearing, multiplying, growing, deterioration, and intensification right off the charts of an Integrity Scale.

Gurmukh (center with turban), Golden Bridge owner, in line for blessing (Seven Jaini)

Relic Blessing -- with enshrined objects placed on head -- in progress (Seven Jaini)

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