Sunday, July 27, 2008

Special Meditation Intensive

Pa Auk Sayadaw with Stephen Snyder and Tina Rasmussen
(Forest Refuge retreat, Barre, MA, July 2008)

Forest Refuge Retreat
Back from teaching with Pa Auk Sayadaw, where they helped guide retreatants in the commencement of practice, these accomplished meditators gave four Dharma talks.

Listen to Talks
These talks, along with the book, are the foundational instructions for practice. They are available free on DharmaSeed. The book, Jhanas Advice, was co-written with Pa Auk Sayadaw.

Meditation Intensive 11/08/08
Registration is now open for a one-day intensive entitled "From First Sit to First Jhana: Navigating the Process of Purification of Mind through the Use of Wise Effort." Space is limited and pre-registration is required ($35).

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