Monday, August 11, 2008

A Buddhist Podcast

abuddhistpodcast's podcast
Practical Buddhism for living in the 21st Century

On tonight's show, a passage from the writing, "The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life." The theme of the lecture is the Mentor/Disciple relationship and includes the following headings:
  • The Tsukuhara debate
  • The purpose of Buddhism
  • The Buddha was not a bronze statue
  • Hardships strengthen our happiness
  • Human revolution produced human gold
  • Mythical Mount Sumeru
  • Tsunasaburo Makiguchi Josei Toda Daisaku Ikeda
  • What happens when the mentor passes away?
Again it's another full show with shoutouts that criss cross the globe and music from the Podsafe Music Network. Tonight's show feautures "Ocean" from Zach Ashton and "Great Day" from Jody Gnant. Direct download: Mentor_and_Disciple.mp3


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