Sunday, August 17, 2008

You Were Born for a Reason

At last the English version of the runaway best-selling book on Buddhism is here.

You Were Born for a Reason has already sold more than half a million copies in its publication in Japanese as Naze ikiru, and is still going strong.

Life is vaguely pleasant in its way, and fulfilling. But at the same time it is a disappointment, especially when one's routine is the same day after day. There is a nagging sense of emptiness.

In the middle of busy days, a sudden void opens in the heart, and thoughts arise:

  • My life was never meant to be this way.
  • What if it goes on like this to the bitter end?
  • What's the point?
  • Shouldn't there be something more?

We lose ourselves in work, love, family, or leisure, and we come to believe that these pursuits give us a reason for living, but only as long as we forget the shadow of death.

  • Why is our happiness always mixed with sadness?
  • Where can we find true happiness that will never fade away?
  • What is there in life that will never betray us, that we can devote ourselves to without regret?

These age old questions cry out for clear answers.

You Were Born for a Reason addresses these questions head on. It shows, through the prism of Shinran's words [Pureland Buddhism], that human life has a definite purpose that must be accomplished, and that human life is infinitely precious and valuable. It points readers toward the way to attaining the true purpose of life.

"You will not be the same after reading this book."

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