Friday, September 26, 2008

Buddha Educational Foundation

The Buddha Educational Foundation is a charitable Buddhist foundation based in Taipei, Taiwan. For many years it has been printing Dharma books -- in ALL BUDDHIST TRADITIONS -- for FREE distribution to individuals and organizations all over the world.
The majority of these Dharma materials are printed or recorded in Chinese. But a great deal of material is offered in English, Tibetan, French, Hindi, and other languages.
Anyone interested in receiving any of the current titles simply completes the relevant request form (Small Quantity or Large Quantity) and submits it (by E-mail, Air mail, or Fax). Dharma books and materials will be sent according to availability. It would also be greatly appreciated if information regarding this service is put in newsletters, Web sites, publications, and TV productions. This will help an even greater number of people have access to invaluable, and therefore free, Buddhist teachings.

This material is strictly for FREE DISTRIBUTION and under no circumstances is it to be sold!

Receive current titles by submitting the appropriate form and returning it as soon as possible.


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