Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Man accused of ramming Playboy Mansion gates

Man accused of ramming Playboy Mansion gates...
Daily News Wire Services (9-2-08)

The Daily News is reporting that a Ventura County man accused of ramming a car into the gates at the Playboy Mansion twice in less than a week pleaded not guilty today to a pair of felony vandalism charges. Glen Allan Meador, 55, is due back in court Sept. 12, 2008 for a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to require him to stand trial.

The criminal complaint alleges that the crimes occurred late last month at the home of Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner on Charing Cross Road, just north of Sunset Boulevard, in the Holmby Hills area. Hugh Hefner apparently was not home on either occasion. Meador remains jailed in lieu of $250,000 bail.

Rooted in Craving
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha
Book of Nines, Sutra 23 (Nyanaponika & Bodhi)

The Buddha said: "What are the nine things rooted in craving? "Because of craving, there is pursuit. Because of pursuit, there is acquisition. Because of acquisition, there is decision. Because of decision, there is desire and lust. Because of desire and lust, there is selfish tenacity. Because of selfish tenacity, there is possessiveness. Because of possessiveness, there is avarice. Because of avarice, there is concern for protection.
"And for the sake of protection, there is the seizing of cudgels and weapons, and various unskillful, unwholesome things such as quarrels, strife, dissension, and offensive talk, slander and lies. These are the nine things rooted in craving."

  • "Decision" refers to thoughts of deciding on the utilization or value of what has been acquired, whether it should be used or stored, etc.
  • "Desire and lust" signifies a weaker degree of desire caused by unwholesome thoughts arising from the object.
  • This weaker desire is intensified at the next stage, "selfish tenacity," the strong insistence on "I" and "mine."

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