Friday, September 5, 2008

Meditation: Easy as 1-2-Breathe!

Basic Techniques of Breathing Meditation
Shannon Curtin

• The purpose of step-by-step breathing meditation is to create a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind is free from worries and mental discomfort. To meditate first set the stage by stopping distractions and clearing your mind. This can be done through simple breathing.
  1. Choose a quiet place and sit comfortably. Sitting may be in the traditional cross legged position, a chair, or any comfortable seat that allows your back to be straight to prevent sluggishness.
  2. Partially close your eyes and begin to focus on the natural rhythm of your breath. Be aware as the breath enters and exits the nostrils.
  3. If the mind is busy at first it's normal. There's no need to follow different thoughts as they arise. Remain focused on your breath in spite of everything.
• Persist. Practicing patiently gradually teaches the mind to focus, and stray thoughts subside. Soon there is an experience of inner peace and relaxation. Enjoy this state of mental calm whenever it arises. Breathing meditation is simply the first stage of meditation [according to the sutra on the "Four Foundations of Mindfulness"]. Insight leads to deeper forms of meditation. It is important to learn to calm and steady the mind before advancing.

• Stress and tension come from an unruly and restless mind. Once the mind stabilizes, with the abandoning of restless thoughts and the gaining of stillness, there is an experience of happiness and peace. This form of contentment leads to better coping with everyday stressors. Difficult situations still arise, but now there is an ability to handle them with ease. In time, relationships improve. It's as easy as 1-2-breathe. More>>

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