Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monk burns down temple ousting hornets

Todaiji Temple monks carry torches on balcony and light up Nigatsudo Hall during climax of two-week ceremony in Nara, central Japan, 3/12/08.

TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- A Japanese monk trying to rid his temple of a hornet's nest panicked when the hornets attacked him. He dropped a torch, burning his temple to the ground, police said Thursday.

The Buddhist monk had put lighted rags on a stick into the nest in the temple, but dropped it and ran when the hornets flew out and attacked him, Niigata prefectural police official Yuichi Ozaka said. The fire occurred Wednesday.

He said the monk, Atsushi Sato, 41, suffered burns on his ears, face, and left hand, but was not stung. The temple in Ojiya City, northern Japan, was burned to the ground, along with the nest, Ozaka said. Police said Sato's burns were not life-threatening.
Shunie is believed to burn down evil spirits to mark the coming of spring (Photo).

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