Wednesday, September 17, 2008

UFO spotted by five Illinois policemen

  • Illinois police see UFO (9/16/08): VIDEO

Tibetan translation of Sankrit sutra with UFO's visible in lower right corner (

Extraterrestrials have multiple explanations in Buddhism. Most are certainly devas ("celestial beings") particularly from a world known as the Catu Maha Rajika Deva Loka (lower celestial realm of the Four Great Kings, corresponding to the four cardinal directions).

Many humanoid ones may well be a type of "human," either from this or another "human realm," a term (manussa) which does not refer simply to planet earth.
A third kind would seem to be Reptilian (Nagas) or titanic (asura) since there is no impenetrable boundary between the many worlds and the 31 general Planes of Existence. While Biblical references were to "Chariots of Fire," their spacecrafts (or UFOs) are known thoughout Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain religious texts as vimana.
These UFO images come from a 10th Century Tibetan translation of the Prajna-paramita Sutra, now in a museum in Japan. In the enlargement the two objects, which look like hats, are visible floating in mid air. One appears to have port holes on it. Ancient Vedic literature is full of descriptions of vimanas (spacecraft). The Ramayana describes vimanas as double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome, that with "the speed of the wind" and give forth a "melodious sound."
  • CNN: "UFO shoots at American missile"


Link: (

  • "Tibet, Shambala, and UFO's"


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