Wednesday, September 17, 2008

UFOs (Vimanas)

Roswell (

"Shining in every direction, their machine (yantra) could travel wherever the imagination dictated. From their great height they saw stimulating dances, drama plays, and pristine dance ceremonies. The machine gained renown among royal dynasties and various nations. In such a manner the High-Souled ones flew, while the lower classes walked. All those friends succeeded in their much-deserved acquisition of a yantra, by means of which human beings can fly in the air, and non-earthling, Celestial Beings, can come down to mortals in their visits to Earth" (RCL).
  • Roswell officer's amazing deathbed admission raises possibility that aliens DID visit Nick Popel (updated 6/30/07)
Exactly 60 years ago, a light aircraft was flying over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, at a height of around 10,000ft. Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the aircraft. Visibility was good and as pilot Kenneth Arnold scanned the sky to find the source of the light, he saw a group of nine shiny metallic objects flying in formation.

He estimated their speed as being around 1,600 miles per hour -- nearly three times faster than the top speed of any jet aircraft at the time. He described the craft as arrow-shaped and said they moved in a jerky motion -- "like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water." A reporter seized on this phrase and in his story described the objects as "flying saucers." The age of the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) had begun. More>>

Drawing of small, delta-winged, Solar-Mercury powered "vimana" reportedly based on a medieval original.

Descriptions of Ancient Aircraft (site)

The following quotations from classical Sanskrit literature are chosen specifically to illustrate the visual appearance, nature and capabilities generally ascribed to the ancient fabulous vehicles known as vimanas (pronounced "vi-mans") in the ancient writings of India. The Sanskrit term "vimana" is usually translated "airborne chariot," "aerial car," or "celestial car" (or sometimes simply "car") by the Hindu translators.*

Having spoken thus, Maharaja Nirga made a complete circle around Lord Krishna and touched his crown to the Lord's feet. Granted permission to depart, King Nirga then boarded a wonderful celestial car as all the people looked on (Bhagavata Purana).

While Dhruva Maharaja was passing through space, he saw, in succession, all the planets of the solar system, and on the path he saw all the demigods [devas] in their vimanas showering flowers upon him like rain (Bhagavata Purana).

He traveled in that way through the various planets, as the air passes freely in every direction. Coursing through the air in that grand and splendid vimana, which could fly at will, he surpassed even the Devas (Bhagavata Purana).

Then the highly intelligent Asura Maya built the cities...There were many palaces with gems. Aerial cars shining like the sun, set with Padmaraga stones, moving in all directions and looking like moonbeams, illuminated the cities (Siva Purana).

When morning dawned, Rama, taking the Celestial Car Puspaka had sent to him by Vivpishand, stood ready to depart. Self-propelled was that car. It was large and finely painted. It had two stories and many chambers with windows, and was draped with flags and banners. It gave forth a melodious sound as it coursed along its airy way (Ramayana).

The Puspaka Car, that resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car, going everywhere at will, is ready for thee. That car, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, is in the city of Lanka (Ramayana).

Beholding the car coming by force of will Rama attained to an excess of astonishment. And the king got in, and the excellent car, at the command of Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere. And in that car, coursing at will, Rama greatly delighted (Ramayana).

When the Deity as were being slaughtered they again took to their vimana and, employing the Danava science, flew up into the sky...I (Arjuna) assaulted their vimana...Wounded by the flight of deadly-accurate iron missiles, the Asura vimana fell broken to the earth...Matali swiftly descended earthward, as in a steep dive, on our divinely effulgent car (Mahabharata).

Karna took up that fierce weapon, which resembled the tongue of the Destroyer or the Sister of Death. That terrible and effulgent dart, Naikartana, was hurled at the Rakshasa. Beholding that excellent and blazing weapon...the Rakshasa began to fly away in fear...Destroying that blazing illusion of Ghatotkacha and piercing right through his breast, that resplendent dart soared aloft in the night...Ghatotkacha, then uttering diverse roars, fell, deprived of life by the dart of Sakra [Sakka, King of the Devas] (Mahabharata). More>>

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