Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vietnam Flooding

  • Link to international coverage of worsening flood problem in Vietnam: VIDEO (0:59)
At least 62 people in northern Vietnam have been killed by flash floods and landslides caused by a tropical storm. Dozens of people are missing and entire villages have been cut off in Lao Cai (pictured), the worst-affected province.

A rescue effort led by the army is under way but is being hampered by the severe weather. Tropical storm Kammuri, which came in from the Gulf of Tonkin and made landfall on Friday, hit China with rain and winds earlier in the week.

Officials in the mountainous province of Lao Cai, which borders China, told news agencies that tens of thousands of people had been stranded after roads were washed away. Further landslides have been predicted, sparking fears that the death toll could rise. More>> (BBC)

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