Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bangladesh: Dolphins of India

Map of Ganges as it ends in dolphin-rich waters (freshwater dolphins exist as far inland as Nepal) off Chittagong, Bangladesh

The end of the Ganges river: the Indian delta, Bangladesh (NASA)

The Buddha exihibiting compassion by cleaning up a monk with open sores and dysentery the other monks did not want to touch. Ananda is helping. He was demonstrating the need to be compassionate to all, especially the innocent.

New Zealand natives (Maori) are descended from India

We'd had the good fortune to also live and travel extensively in India on several occasions, and so were familiar with the look, physiognomy of what is generally termed the Indo-Aryan physiognomy of peoples. We had learned to distinguish the darker wiry haired Tamils, from the light skinned residents of Uttar Pradesh, the rounded faces of the Bengalis from the slender faces of the Nepalese, or the heavy features of the Punjabis, etc. It becomes quite natural after living in India for a number of years to assess like this. So when we came to New Zealand I was amazed at how much the mass of Maori people looked like those of the Indian subcontinent. When we first came to New Zealand I think the first thing I noticed was that the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari were very beautiful, Radharani in particular. Actually to confirm my thoughts, one day I was coming back to the temple by public transport and I saw a young Maori girl who looked almost identical to the exquisitely beautiful features of Srimati Radharani - everyone at the bus stop noticed too, I observed. More>>

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