Thursday, October 2, 2008

Friends of the Western Buddhist Order


Fundraising for Buddhism in India

FWBO Dhammaloka may not be a well-known name even to FWBO practitioners. But that will soon change. Dhammaloka means "Realm of the Dhamma," or "Land of the Teaching of the Buddha." And FWBO Dhammaloka is a UK charity dedicated to helping India revive Buddhism and Buddhist values like compassion, wisdom, and equality of opportunity across India.

Although the charity has been registered for some time, it was almost dormant until May 2008. That's when it registered an Internet fundraising account with JustGiving. Now only a few months later, it has just celebrated raising its first £10,000 ($18,000) for Dharma projects in India.

FWBO News is reporting that “Dhammaloka has no full time or even parttime staff – just the charity trustees, who are all busy elsewhere. So from the first we adopted a decentralized strategy of facilitating the fundraising efforts of others rather than trying to do it all themselves. More>>
Non-violent communication (NVC) in Juno (parenting) and Funky Raw (raw food) at, "NVC Topics." FWBO News blog.

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