Saturday, October 25, 2008

Meditation Guidance by Phone

Jhanas Advice authors, meditators Tina Rasmussen and Stephen Snyder

One-on-One Spiritual Guidance
If one has simple questions that can be answered by email, or via a brief phone call of 15 minutes or less, the authors are happy to provide advice freely or on a dana basis.
  • Jhanas Advice
For extended inquiries, individual spiritual guidance sessions are available to Dharma practitioners by phone. These calls are either 30 minutes or 1 hour, either as needed or on a regularly scheduled basis, either biweekly or monthly. The focus of these sessions is the caller's Dharma practice, as well as how practice and understanding integrate into worldly life.
  • Life Coaching

For work or life coaching, please visit our website at We offer a different set of services and fees for work and life coaching.

  • BOOK: Jhanas Advice from Two Spiritual Friends: Concentration Meditation as Taught by Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw (Endorsements)
  • DESCRIPTION: Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw of Burma is considered by many to be the leading Buddhist jhana teacher alive today. Tina Rasmussen and Stephen Snyder were taught personally by the Sayadaw, who has endorsed them to offer their experience to others. Their very accessible and direct experiential account of jhana practice has been endorsed by the Sayadaw. They now offer several services to practitioners interested in the practice. Their services are for both experienced meditators interested in deepening their concentration practice, as well as new meditators beginning a concentration practice.

Contact them for one-on-one spiritual guidance; guidance for solo retreats; monthly jhana practice groups; free downloads of Dharma talks on the jhanas practice

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