Friday, October 3, 2008

Sri Lankan Mysteries: UFOs, etc.

UFOs in Lanka: Are extraterrestrials the cause of violence and unrest in Sri Lanka? The island of Sri Lanka has been a favorite haunt of aliens, extraterrestrials, brahmas, devas, angels, sky dwellers, demons (rudras), however one wishes to describe them. Lankan chronicles, traditions, folklore, prehistoric cave drawings, archaeological evidence, and ancient travelers' records testify to the strange beings living on the island from time immemorial.

Sri Lanka: Gateway to Other Worlds? Scientists re-examine legends of Serendip Long before modern scientists ever dreamed of the existence of gateways between parallel universes, the ancient world already regarded Lanka or Serendip as being the Antipodes, a topsy-turvy wonderland inhabited by nagas, yakkhas, and various other-worldly spirits. Oral tradition still being transmitted in Sri Lanka tells of hidden gateways situated islandwide through which yogis and siddhas, including the Buddha and his assembly of arhats, could travel to distant places or even to other worlds in the blink of an eye, reputedly through sheer determination alone.

Ravana & Sita: Road to Ramayana When Ravana abducted Sita, it led to war. Geologically, two hundred million years ago, there was a land connection from Sri Lanka to India, Madagascar, Australia, and Antarctica. That large land mass was known as Gondwana. Sri Lanka separated into a discrete land mass known as Lanka Dvipa (the Island of Lanka) with part of its land submerged by the sea. According to the Ramayana epic, this took place because of the misdeeds of Ravana. But this seismic occurrence is confirmed by modern science.

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