Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vibration Creates Form

Clip from the David Icke documentary Freedom Road

Tiny particles of sand are strewn on a smooth disk and subjected to vibrations being passed onto its surface. The grains immediately begin to take form and arrange themselves into a multitude of geometrically perfect designs. Some sound vibrations create known geometric patterns such as hexagons (honeycombs), pentagrams, crosses, spirals, and other permutations.

The amazing complexity seen in nature -- for example, the patterns found on animals and insect wings -- are easily explained with this simple experiment. Sound vibrations give birth to form. In one particular vibratory sequence, opposite oscillations were resonated though a disk. The sand particles are then condensed upon one another, rolling into spheres. The smaller spheres begin to revolve around the larger ones, much like orbiting planets. This is the portrait of our universe.

Zoom into organic cellular structures and its atomic foundations, and there it is as well. Why should this be so? "Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form" (Heart Sutra). This is a short clip from David Icke's "Freedom Road." Download the complete video at:

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