Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bhutan: Majestic Travel

Bhutanese Buddhist retreats at Zhiwa Ling, Bhutan, Himalayas

During the winter -- with perpetually clear blue skies above the peaceful atmosphere of Bhutan amid a blossoming Buddhist culture surrounded by snow capped peaks -- the Hotel Zhiwa Ling introduces week-long Buddhist retreats.

The growing quest for spiritual fulfillment with interest in Buddhism as the answer to this search is upon us. So a retreat program has been created to provide the Buddhist lifestyle and sacred knowledge in the luxurious surroundings of the Zhiwa Ling Hotel.

The hotel will host a number of world-renowned and revered spiritual teachers, Rinpoches and Lamas, to disclose Buddhist teachings at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. The course content has been designed to match the needs of those seeking conscious evolution and to communicate the essence of Buddhism. It has been developed by revered Rinpoches living throughout the Paro Valley, who have kindly accepted to teach people from all faiths, to make up for the spirituality lacking in the modern world.

Bhutanese dancers in traditional costume

The one week program will be offered from December through mid March. Every week, the program will feature different aspects of Buddhism with talks and events on special topics rotating daily. The week will also feature special Buddhist ceremonies from rituals to a longevity blessing.

Spacious meditation rooms face one of the most sacred places in Bhutan -- the Takstang or Tiger’s Nest.

The hotel features a Swedish under floor heating system complementing the legendary warmth of the Bhutanese staff. The temple in the hotel, utilizing 400 year old pillars brought from a 16th Century temple, will emit the energy of the many thousands of devotees that passed through it over the centuries. This energy can be felt during meditation or while attending a resonant Buddhist chanting session. Amid this setting uniting with other practitioners under the auspices of the Rinpoches, the mind will be enriched along with spiritual body.

It is assured that course participants will enrich their lives and enjoy tremendous value positively reflected in their lifestyles.

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