Saturday, January 31, 2009

Indian UFO Plans (Vymaanika Shaastra)


Multiple corroborating sources have been pieced together to unlock the secret of true anti-gravity. This expose of supporting evidence provides a never before seen look at how real anti-gravity could work. Of course the only way to debunk it is to do the experiment and see.

Maharshi Bharadwaaja's Vimaanika Shastra (

Bell Experiment - Jakob SporrenbergEugene Podkletnov - "Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged Superconducting Crystal"Edgar Fouche - TR3-b :

Jonathan Weygandt's testimony begins at 05:40 (Disclosure Project - 62 min)

Additional references:

Common ferrofluid surfactants: The surfactants used to coat the nanoparticles include, but are not limited to: oleic acid, tetramethylammonium hydroxide, citric acid, soy lecithin. These surfactants prevent the nanoparticles from clumping together, ensuring that the particles do not form aggregates that become too heavy to be held in suspension by Brownian motion. The magnetic particles in an ideal ferrofluid do not settle out, even when exposed to a strong magnetic, or gravitational field. A surfactant has a polar head and non-polar tail (or vice versa), one of which adsorbs to a nanoparticle, while the non-polar tail (or polar head) sticks out into the carrier medium, forming an inverse or regular micelle, respectively, around the particle. Steric repulsion then prevents agglomeration of the particles.

Quantum Ferrofluids:

Please note that the drawing I portray of the Anti-Gravity Engine shows superfluid Helium 3 nuclei engaging in cooper pairs. The Black and White sided coin is drawn to illustrate what I call "dual axis rotation" or conical rotation (spin a coin on a table and observe the motion). One idea is to use two different superfluids of different density which will cause each other to rotate through displacement. This can also be used to "jump start" the engine (by spinning the craft like a coin and letting it rotate on an edge to get that dual axis rotation going).

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