Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nagas in the News: 111 y.o. becomes dad

NagaMan (tatooed with forked tongue, piercings, and inserts.

Nagas (Reptilians) walk among us. Or sort of belly crawl. This old guy, having overcome cancer, unexpectedly became a dad at the age of 111:
WELLINGTON, New Zealand – A captive reptile in New Zealand has unexpectedly become a father at the ripe old age of 111 after receiving treatment for a cancer that made him hostile toward prospective mates.

The centenarian tuatara, named Henry, was thought well past the mating game until he was caught canoodling with a female named Mildred last March — a consummation that resulted in 11 babies being hatched on Monday.

Tuatara are indigenous New Zealand creatures that resemble lizards but descend from a distinct lineage of reptile that walked the earth with the dinosaurs 225 million years ago, zoologists say....

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