Monday, January 26, 2009

UN: civilians in Sri Lanka war in crisis

Ravi Nessman (AP)

Map of northern Sri Lanka where the army is battling the Tamil Tiger rebels. The United Nations said Monday at least 30 civilians had been killed in fighting between government forces and rebels in Sri Lanka amid a drive to root out the last pockets of Tamil Tiger resistance (AFP/Graphic).
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – More than 150,000 civilians are trapped in a rapidly shrinking jungle battlefield as Sri Lanka hopes to crush a 25-year-old separatist movement.

The top U.N. official in the country said Monday their lives are in serious danger.

"There's so many people, so many guns and such a high intensity of fighting," U.N. resident coordinator Neil Buhne told The Associated Press. "There have been many civilians killed over the last two days. ... It's really a crisis now." More>>

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