Thursday, February 5, 2009

TV, Prescriptions Linked to Depression

Soar Like an Eagle...before reading about depression:
Amazing Independent Hemi-spheres of the Brain: Click to see a woman who can si-multaneously write different things with two hands, or mirror image what she's writing, and can do it with her feet, too (ABC News).

CBC TV: The prescription drug Chantix (Varenicline) linked to depression and suicide

FDA, Pfizer Told of Chantix Safety Concerns
Doctor Warned Medical Community...

...Now a new report from the nonprofit organization Institute for Safe Medicine Practices cites nearly 1,000 adverse event reports associated with Chantix.
The report has prompted the Federal Aviation Administration to ban the drug's use among commercial pilots.
The report was the first time many people had heard of the possible pitfalls of a drug considered largely safe for the treatment of nicotine addiction, and for which over 6 million prescriptions have been written.
The controversy over Chantix and the persistence of the complaining doctor, John Spangler, director of Tobacco Intervention Programs at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C., points out loopholes and gaps in the way drugs are declared safe to use in the United States. More>>

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