Tuesday, February 3, 2009

RETREAT: Ven. Dhammadipa

“Ven. Dhammadipa is a highly gifted meditation teacher who has trained in both samatha and vipassana meditation under eminent teachers of Sri Lanka and Burma. He is skilled in teaching both westerners and Asians”
-- Bhikkhu Bodhi
Currently giving retreats internationally: United States, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, and India. US locations include Vancouver, Toronto (2/09), Ohio, Atlanta Georgia, Lansing Michigan, West Lafayette Indiana, and San Jose (3/16)...then onto Taiwan, Malaysia, and India (12/09). Info: Gary at netherwood26@yahoo.com.

Born in Czechoslovakia and fluent in eight languages, Ven. Dhammadipa is a world-renowned meditation teacher, with a deep understanding of meditation in both Theravada and Mahayana traditions. Exposed to Zen and Tibetan Buddhism in Czechoslovakia, he has lived and studied in various Asian countries. Over the past ten years, Ven. Dhammadipa has taught meditation at Western and Asian monasteries and universities around the world.
  • In 1987, he first received ordination as a Theravada monk under Ven. Nanarama in Sri Lanka.
  • In 1989, he also received ordination as a Mahayana monk at Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles.
  • In 1996, he practiced meditation with the world's foremost meditation master, Ven. Pa Auk Tawya Sayadaw, in Burma and is considered by the Sayadaw to be the first Western disciple qualified to teach meditation.

5 Day Anāpānā Sati Meditation Retreat
Ven. Dhammadipa will lead retreat participants in breath meditation practice (anapana sati), as taught by the Buddha. Breath meditation leads to tranquil mental states (samatha) and direct seeing of the Dharma (vipassana). Retreat participants will practice sitting and walking meditation, supported by the personal guidance of Ven. Dhammadipa through individual and group interviews. This is a golden opportunity for the serious student of the Dharma to practice alongside a seasoned master and to experience the liberating benefits of the Buddha's teachings.

Location: Toronto Mahavihara Society
4698 Kingston Rd, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1E 2P9
DATES: February 5-9, 2009
Times: 8:45 am-7:00 pm (refreshments but no lunch provided)
Telephone: 905-790-1146 or 416-208-9276

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