Monday, February 23, 2009

Save Environment over Dinner

Morning Edition (1/30/09)

FOOD MATTERS -- Food columnist Mark Bittman said Americans should eat more fruits and vegetables, and less meat, to improve their health and the environment. A listener from Keystone, Indiana, explains why [due to carbon footprint] sometimes eating meat does the planet a favor.

LISTEN: Eat Right, Save the Planet (NPR) (7:19)

If you're one of those people hoping to change the world in 2009, writer Mark Bittman says you can start by changing what you eat.

In his new book, Food Matters, The New York Times food columnist writes about the environmental impact of industrial farming — and how individuals can make a difference by cutting down on the amount of animal products they consume.

"All industrial farming — from fish farming to chicken farming to egg and dairy farming — has an environmental impact," he tells Morning Edition's Steve Inskeep. More>>

Related NPR Story

On Point Radio (2/2/09)

Mark Bittman: Eating Right Can Save The Planet (1/22/09)

Cooking 'Everything Vegetarian' with Mark Bittman (1/11/08)

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