Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Celebration in India

Neighbors of actor Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail watch the a telecast of the 81st Annual Academy Awards near his home, in a slum in Bandra, suburban Mumbai, India, 2/23/09 (AP/Gautam Singh).

MUMBAI, India – Children broke into Bollywood dance numbers and crowds cheered in the narrow lanes of a teeming Mumbai [formerly Bombay] slum on Monday as their hometown heroes nabbed Hollywood's highest honors.

Two of the child actors in "Slumdog Millionaire" were plucked from a desperately poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Mumbai to star in the rags-to-riches tale that stormed the Academy Awards.

The actors, Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail, 10, and Rubina Ali, 9, were flown to Los Angeles for the ceremony, leaving their friends back home to gawk, beam, shout and dance in celebration. More>>

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