Friday, March 20, 2009

Flying Cars Now on Sale + Levitation (March 20, 2009)

A U.S. company has realized the longstanding fantasy of a flying car.

Terrafugia Inc.'s "roadable aircraft," named Transition, completed its first flight at Plattsburgh, N.Y., 3/18/09, the company said. "It’s what aviation enthusiasts have been striving for since 1918," CEO Carl Dietrich said in a news release.

The Terrafugia Transition seats two, drives regular speeds on roads and can do about 180 km/h in flight (Photo courtesy of Terrafugia).

But with an expected price tag of $194,000 US by the time the first one is delivered to a user in 2011, it's not likely to reach a mass market. The Transition is aimed at giving sport and private pilots convenient ground transportation.

According to the company, the two-seat vehicle can take off and land at smaller airports, and the pilot can convert it to a roadworthy vehicle by retracting the wings from inside the cockpit in less than 30 seconds. More>>

Personal flight is now also available. Here inventor is shown flying like Wonder Woman (2008).
Ancient India: Spacecraft and Levitation

Ancient India also advanced technology -- vimanas (spacecraft, flying machines) and levitation. Since the science for each was not preserved with tangible examples, it has been relegated to the annals of myth. Every world religion speaks of these things, yet it is more regarded as more sensible to utterly doubt such things could have possibly existed.
And although religious texts such as the Vedas document them and designate their origin as extraterrestrial, serious public discussion of them is a complete non-starter. That does not, however, preclude their discussion at manufacturing plants, university labs, and in various professors' garages.

The great Salt Flats are everyone's own Skunk Works for testing ideas handed down through the ages. Look up on a dark night and behold the Chariots of Fire, which can be communicated with using intention, lasers, and specific protocols (Ref: Dr. Brooks Alexander Agnew). Other nations (as well as our own in secret tests) have long taken these things seriously and have allocated millions to study their feasibility.

It only took The Jetsons (a hit 1960's cartoon series) to give the idea a life of its own, an idea already in the collective memory and carried again to fruition by modern engineers. Because whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right.

Man uses his finger as 2GB memory stick
Jerry Jalava, a young man from Finland, has all chances to become the world’s first cyborg. A part of his body has been equipped with the Linux Operating System. The man designed several programs for his finger, which works as a USB drive. More>>

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