Monday, March 2, 2009

How About Alcohol?

The fifth of the Five Precepts runs: "I undertake to abstain from strong drinks [alcohol and intoxicants] that occasion heedlessness." The reason for this is that one's best intention to keep the other four is undermined by intoxicants. Alcohol also undermines one's health. And, of course, this is not limited to women.

As Seen on TV: Alcohol and Cancer
ABC News

A new study published today in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute points to a link between alcohol consumption and a greater risk of cancer in females.

Researchers say that even moderate alcohol consumption can significantly increase the chances a woman will get cancer. These findings come after years of doctors suggesting that a drink a day can be good for women's heart health. Find out the latest advice.
The study looked at more than 1 million middle-aged women and found that alcohol consumption may cause 13 percent of all breast, liver, rectal and esophageal cancers.

Women who have just three to six drinks a week have a 2 percent greater risk of cancer; women who have seven to 14 drinks a week have a 5 percent increased risk of cancer; and for those who have 15 or more drinks a week, their risk of cancer jumps to 15 percent.

"Women who are very worried about cancer may not want to drink anything," said Dr. Therese Bevers of the Anderson Cancer Center. "Women who like to drink may want to reduce the amount they drink." More>>

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