Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Protest: "Bush is a War Criminal!"

CALGARY, Canada (Reuters) – More than 100 protesters chanted "war criminal" and flung shoes in Calgary today, angry that former U.S. President George W. Bush was in the Canadian city to give his first speech since leaving the White House.

At least two demonstrators were hauled away by police after brief skirmishes, as 1,500 business people in the oil patch city waited outside a convention center for an hour to pass through tight security and enter the C$400-a-plate ($315) luncheon.

Media were barred from covering the invitation-only event, during which Bush had been expected to reflect on his eight years as president.

According to sources who attended, he conceded that his administration spent its final days "bailing water" to keep the U.S. economy afloat. More>>

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