Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shambala: What is inside the Earth?

Brooks A. Agnew, Ph.D., Phoenix Science Foundation

Trailer for North Pole Inner Earth Expedition film from phoenixsciencefoundation.org

Dr. Brooks Agnew was raised in Pasadena, California and spent most of his youth hanging around CalTech and the folks who co-opted the Jet Propulsion Labs. He entered the US Airforce in 1973 where he became an electronics engineer.

After an honorable discharge, he attended Brigham Young University in Kentucky and Tennessee Tech. He has a Bachelor's degree in chemistry, a Master's degree in statistics, and a Ph.D. in physics.

He has published more than 100 articles and papers on subjects ranging from radiation spectroscopy to transdimensional movement through space-time. He was a featured scientist in the 1997 Wendy Robbins' documentary on HAARP, "Holes in Heaven."

He is currently a consultant to the manufacturing industry, where his designs have saved or provided more than a thousand jobs in two states. He holds multiple patents in chemistry. He also teaches mathematics at Gaston College in North Carolina.

Dr. Agnew has recently co-authored a landmark publication on the creation of the earth, The Ark of Millions of Years in three volumes.

Radio Interview on "Coast to Coast"

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