Monday, April 27, 2009

Sri Lanka to stop airstrikes, shelling Tamils

Canadian protester chants as Tamils demonstrate on a downtown Toronto street protesting the political turmoil in Sri Lanka, 4/27/09. Colombo dismissed a Tamil truce. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam rebels are now cornered in less than 4 sq miles (10 sq km) of coastline by a Sri Lankan military intent on ending a disastrous war separatists started in 1983 (Reuters/Mark Blinch).

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka agreed to stop firing heavy weapons into the northern war zone to safeguard thousands of civilians trapped there, but resisted growing pressure today for a cease-fire in its war with the Tamil Tiger rebels.

The rebels accused the government of instantly violating its promise by launching airstrikes from three sides on a village in a densely populated no-fire zone, a pro-guerrilla Web site reported. More>>

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