Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Columbia University: East Asian Library

Looking for a specific title or author, or want to conduct a subject search? Start with WORLDCAT — the single largest bibliographic database of library holdings around the world. Be aware that most of Columbia University's East Asian holdings (including thousands of Tibetan records) have not yet been uploaded to WorldCat.

If a title in WorldCat displays no holdings icon for Columbia University Libraries, search the University's online catalog CLIO. It is likely that the item is in our collection. If not, Columbia faculty and students can submit requests through Interlibrary Loan or BorrowDirect (a more rapid service drawing from a consortium of research libraries in the region).

Of course, several key institutions with Tibetan Studies resources do not subscribe to WorldCat. Their catalogs must be searched separately, which can be done online for the following:
Print catalogs of Tibetan collections in the United States and elsewhere may list additional holdings (often rare) that are not listed in WorldCat. The following list of print catalogs is arranged by geographic location: North America, Western and Eastern Europe, East Asia, and South Asia. More>>

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