Sunday, April 19, 2009

Science of Mindfulness (radio)

Speaking of Fatih (American Public Media)

April 16, 2009 — Buddhist Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn. Interview with Speaking of Faith host Krista Tippett. Scientist and author Jon Kabat-Zinn has changed medicine through his work on meditation and stress. We explore what he has learned, through science and experience, about mindfulness as a way of life; about slowing down time, as he says, and "opening to our lives." This is wisdom with immediate relevance to the ordinary and extreme stresses of our time — from economic peril, to parenting, to life in a digital age. » Visit the Web site and listen.

Jon Kabat-Zinn (NPR)

  • Meditation a Hit for Pain Management (Morning Edition)
    ...has become a hit as a way to manage pain and the stress that goes with it...Back in 1979, a Buddhist biologist at the University of Massachusetts named Jon Kabat-Zinn had...
  • A Crash Course in Body Scan Meditation
    ...Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness and to the book Full Catastrophe Living, by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Practice a seated body scan meditation with Trish Magyari. Follow along...

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