Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rising sea levels in Northeast U.S.

Randolph E. Schmid (AP)
An iceberg in Ilulissat fjord, Greenland 8/16/07, visited by Germany's chancellor and environment minister (Reuters/Michael Kappeler/Pool).

WASHINGTON – Drip, drip, drip come the studies one after another, reinforcing the threat to the Northeast from rising sea levels along the U.S. and Canadian east coast.

If Greenland's ice melts at moderate to high rates, ocean circulation by 2100 could shift and cause sea levels off the Northeast coast of North America to rise by about 12 to 20 inches more than other coastal areas, researchers report Wednesday in Geophysical Research Letters. "Major northeastern cities are directly in the path of the greatest rise," researcher Aixue Hu of the National Center for Atmospheric Research said. More>>

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