Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stocks surge: Money lost?

WQ Economics Bureau
How are we lied to, how are we misled? The popular media makes people regret not being greedy by spotlighting imaginary losses. The gains one would have had, could have had, should have had IF ONLY... It's a canard. The following is another example from the right wing media.

Stock surge burns some
The market's big rally is making many investors who dumped stocks regret their timing. Bought high, sold low
There will be no story when people are non-greedy and stay financially secure as a result. That would not profit the giants who pull the strings. False run-ups on the way down in a collapsing market is a classic way of milking investors, particularly the institutional variety. Easy profits are not the norm for the stock market -- unless one counts isolated blocks of time and 20/20 hindsight. Ask Warren Buffett about his massive losses or Alan Greenspan about his pending ignominy.

There has been a bubble forming in American finance for a long time. It was false inflation based on easy credit, consumerism, and debt. This is the lesson to learn from the current world financial crisis. No lesson learned means no end in sight. The first ZEITGEIST MOVIE explains why. But the "Federal" Reserve, the Treasury, and Wall Street is happy to keep us in the dark, to keep investors afraid, and to be bailed out by any administration in office. America, after all, has the best politicians money lobbyists can buy.

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