Friday, June 12, 2009

EU Calls for Burma Ceasefire

EU Calls for a Ceasefire in Eastern Burma
Arkar Moe (The Irrawaddy, 6/12/09)

The European Union council under the Czech Presidency voiced serious concern at the growing Burmese military offensive against Karen rebels on Thursday, June 11, and called for an immediate truce.

The Burma Campaign UK warmly welcomed the EU declaration condemning the Bur-mese Army offensive. The EU declaration calls on the Burmese army to ceasefire and to comply with international humanitarian and human rights law.

It is the first time the European Union has made a statement specifically about the present crisis in Eastern Burma. The declaration came following the offensive launched by the Burmese Army and its allies against the Karen National Union (KNU), Burma’s longest armed resistance group, early in June. More>>

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