Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Meditation: Images without Words

These images touch upon meditation as a numerical abstraction that comprehends the whole. The Fibonacci sequence is a ratio that reaches into every aspect of the universe. The biological aspects at the cellular level near the end of the segment are somewhat speculative, suggestive of the possibility that the sequence also appears there. The second video seeks to enter a unitive state (samadhi) via neurobiology with DMT (the spirit molecule), which allows one to suddenly, directly see energy and to sense experience without intermediary thought-formations. This, too, is speculative and may not be of any use to those already successful at bhavana (Pali, "meditation"), Zen, Ch'an, and dhyana (jhana), and the mindfulness that accompanies the practice. It is, however, a means of prompting a sudden spiritual or religious experience many otherwise doubt exists or find impossible to otherwise reach. Santo Daime: Alienação ou salvação? Plant spirit: Alienation or salvation? All is one. Successful meditation leads one to the experience of this truth rather than endless rationalization, mentation, and theory. Meditation is practice. Meditation is allowing. Meditation is to strive to sit then release the striving and simply experience with bare attention (not thought) and clear awareness. This is sati sampajana (mindfulness and clear comprehension). It is available at all times without any aid.

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