Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sharon Salzberg: "The 8 Train"

Sharon Salzberg: Buddhism and Art -- "The 8 Train" (Beliefnet 7/13/09)

Sharon is one of three Buddhist lineage mentors for Beliefnet's Interdependence Project. She is also awesome and one of the foremost Buddhist meditation teachers in America (Ethan Nichtern).

The 8 Train

William James said, "My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind." I spent some time this afternoon at a gallery in lower Manhattan (Art in General), to see an exhibit called "The 8 Train" created by Josh Melnick.

Josh took a Vision Research camera, ordinarily used in scientific studies requiring high speed motion analysis, into the New York City subway and shot individual portraits. In the gallery space, two seconds of real time footage is extended to several minutes on the screen. It was a fantastic exercise in attention and compassion. First I was struck by the fact that... More>>

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