Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bigfoot caught on film

Bigfoot (Kenny Mahoney/ Bigfoot [Buddhist yakkha, yaksha, or rakshasa] is the newest threat to the Chicago adventure traveler in a bad week: First, reports surfaced that marijuana farmers as close as Michigan and Wisconsin might be harvesting pot. U.S. National Forest plantations are said to be booby trapped, protected by armed guards, and linked to Mexican drug cartels. Second, three days ago it was announced that Chicago is the most stressful city in the U.S. and perhaps the world. A walk in the woods might relieve the anxiety, but now Bigfoot may be on the Windy City. Reports surfaced this week of a possible Bigfoot sighting in Jefferson County, Kentucky. There are hundreds of possible sightings each year around the country, but another report in May took place in West Virginia. If this is the same creature, it could be on its way. After all, who would have thought a mountain lion from South Dakota would end up shot dead in a Chicago neighborhood? More>>

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