Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chronic Fatigue virus, Cigarettes, Moon crash

Virus linked to chronic fatigue syndrome
(All Things Considered, Oct. 8, 2009) "It's the best news ever. We've always known that there was something out there." Listen

Spacecraft to crash into Moon in search of Water
( Early Friday morning, NASA will crash-land a satellite and a spacecraft in a crater near the moon's south pole. The impact will toss up huge plumes of debris visible from Earth. Infrared cameras will search for water ice and vapor in the cloud of debris. More>>

Tobacco worse than cocaine?
( Is your local gas station attendant a drug dealer? Most people would say no, yet he readily deals all day long with customers looking for their next nicotine fix. Nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, keeps its users hooked. Even though most people do not consider tobacco to be a drug, this post will show that it is exactly that. More>>

Urban farming takes root in Detroit
(Marketplace, Public Radio Int'l) A collaboration between a Michigan farmer and a Detroit environmentalist is taking area gardening to another level. Phillip Martin reports. More>>

Organic local farming featuring Cornelius Williams (Vandalia Gardens Farm Co-op).

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