Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lutheran Church elects 1st female leader

Protestantism moves forward, at least in Germany, while Buddhism and other traditions continue to be sexist to their own detriment. And it wasn't always this way. In fact, the Buddha did not consider his dispensation complete until he had ordained female disciples. Talk of his hesitation is misconstrued to this day. Yet, although there are again nuns in every Buddhist tradition, they are not treated as equals. The lesson to be learned? Elevating women elevates everyone.

BERLIN (Oct. 28, 2009) – Germany's Lutheran Church has elected a woman to lead the nation's Protestants for the first time in its history. Margot Kaessmann (once described as "a cross between Mother Teresa and Demi Moore" as seen in this AFP/DDP/file photo) was overwhelmingly voted into the church's top position on Wednesday. The 51-year-old bishop holds a doctorate in theology and has four grown children. She is one of only two women to serve as bishop in Germany's Protestant church. She was ordained in 1985 and has held many offices within the church. Kaessmann is viewed as being politically active and media savvy. Source

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