Saturday, December 26, 2009

Buddhism and Sects (Ajahn Brahm)

(BuddhistSocietyWA) Ajahn Brahm talks about different sects of Buddhism, how the division came to be, and what it means. Ultimately, Buddhism is all the same cake topped by various icings.

Why was Ajahn Brahm expelled?
Go Beyond Words
, the Wisdom Publications' blog, currently features “History in the Making,” a guest post by editor David Kittelstrom regarding (in part) the expulsion of bhikkhu Ajahn Brahmavamso (a.k.a., Ajahn Brahm) from the Wat Pa Phong Sangha. Here are some excerpts:

The late forest monk and meditation master Luang Por Chah was a true visionary. While his peers did not bother with training Western monks, he did it seriously at his Wat Pah Pong forest monastery. This has now led to nuns being ordained. More>>

The first Theravada bhikkhuni (nun) ordination in Australia, and the first in the Thai Forest Tradition anywhere in the world, was performed in Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia on October 22nd, 2009. Four nuns from the nearby Dhammasara Nuns Monastery took ordination: Vayama, Nirodha, Seri, and Hassapañña. The second half of the ordination ceremony was performed by Wisdom author Ajahn Brahm — the abbot of Bodhinyana — along with other monks from the monastery. More>>

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