Monday, December 14, 2009

Jailed American in Burma in "poor health"

Supporters of detained Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi attend a peaceful rally with her portrait in Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 10, 2009, marking Human Rights Day (AP/Koji Sasahara).

RANGOON, Burma — A jailed U.S. citizen, on a protest hunger strike for more than a week in military-ruled Burma, was not able to appear in court because of poor health, his lawyers said Saturday. Myanmar authorities have accused Burma-born Kyaw Zaw Lwin of entering the country to stir up protests by Buddhist monks, who led pro-democracy demonstrations in 2007 [dubbed the Saffron Revolution] that were brutally suppressed by the military dictatorship, a junta led by Supreme General Than Shwe. Arrested in September, he was charged with forgery and violating the foreign currency exchange act. More>>

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