Thursday, December 3, 2009

Muslim mercy, Bad guy goes Good

Shop owner is repaid for his kindness
A storeowner who showed mercy to a would-be robber receives mysterious letter (
  • The Dhammapada: "The Path of the Dharma"
    (Chng Tiak Jung & Tan Chade Meng) This famous collection of Buddhist sayings consists of 423 verses uttered by the Buddha on 305 occasions for the benefit of a wide range of human beings. The sayings were selected as being worthy of special note and compiled into a single book on account of their relevance to everyday life. They are divided into 26 chapters with stanzas arranged according to subject matter:

The Pairs - Heedfulness - Mind - Flowers - The Fool - The Wise - Perfected One - The Thousands - Evil - Violence - Old Age - The Self - The World - The Buddha - Happiness - Affection - Anger - Impurity - The Just - The Path - Miscellaneous - The State of Woe - The Elephant - Craving - The Monastic - The Holy Person

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