Thursday, December 24, 2009

Towards Personal Transcendence

Sculpture exhibition approaches Buddhist truths
(Bangkok Post/Outlook, Dec. 24, 2009) Buddhism has been the inspiration for many Thai artists, oftentimes with uninspired results. Far from serving as a cornucopia for their creativity, these practitioners frequently reduce the religion's icons to the level of kitsch as they repetitively reproduce its symbology, usually in gaudy gold [such as the sculpture shown here of an enlightened elder monk, not from this exhibit, covered in gold leaf].

On the other hand, there are some artists who incorporate these ancient emblems into their work with a degree of originality. Vichoke Mukdamanee is one such artist and his latest show at The National Gallery titled "The Inspiration from Dharma" effectively breathes new life into the metaphysical representations from antiquity. More>>

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