Thursday, January 28, 2010

Coping with Death

(Experience Festival) "According to Hinduism, when a person dies, one either travels to heavenly worlds or to the ancestral worlds depending upon one's previous deeds.

"We are told that the departed souls can be elevated to higher planes of existence and pushed further [along] on the scale of evolution if their direct descendents on Earth, especially the male progeny, perform some annual rites and make sacrificial offerings to them. With such rites, not just one but the entire family of ancestors would be benefited and spiritually uplifted."

While the same cannot be applied to Buddhism, it looks like that's what was happening here. It was kind of intense. Mourners walked out of the temple as a Buddhist monk was ringing a gong lightly and chanting softly. The family walked to a furnace and placed three medium sized bags in before lighting them on fire. It was hauntingly cool.

Translated message to the world by "Buddha Boy," Palden Dorje, Halkhoriya Jungle, Nepal

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