Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dalai Lama, Pope, Science, and Scientology

Chinese Gov't fails to block Tibet film screening
Chinese government authorities have failed to stop a film on Tibet from being shown at a major international film festival in Palm Springs, California this week despite pressure on festival organizers. In protest, the Chinese government withdrew two Chinese films from the festival, and it is now attempting to spin the decision as having been taken by one of the Chinese film directors.

Vatican critical of Avatar's spiritual message
(CBC News) The Vatican's newspaper and its radio station have given a lukewarm reception to the film Avatar, criticizing it for its "spiritualism linked to the worship of nature." A red-carpet preview of Canadian James Cameron's 3-D blockbuster was held in Rome ahead of its wide release Friday in Italy.
Pope's aide visits woman who knocked him down
VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope Benedict XVI's personal aide visited the mentally disturbed young woman who jumped over a barrier and knocked the pontiff down in St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve, a Vatican spokesman said Sunday. Benedict asked his secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, to pay a call on 25-year-old Susanna Maiolo "to show his interest and benevolence," the Rev. Federico Lombardi told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

Ireland's new blasphemy law -- inhibition of free speech
( Reading Monday's Irish Times, I came across a surprising story tucked away at the bottom of a news page, Atheists rally over blasphemy law. Surprising? Well, atheists don't generally get much coverage in Ireland. It long ago struck this atheist that it was a barmy law. I recall that the Irish president, Mary McAleese, enacted the defamation law last July and to my dismay that she, for whom I have high regard, had failed to send it to the supreme court to test its constitutionality.

Lobbying by Buddhist clergy in USA brought to naught
The Nayake Thera of the USA Ven Dr Walpola Piyananda Thera said yesterday years and months of lobbying made by the Buddhist clergy in the US and Sri Lanka Ambassador Jaliya Wickremasuriya came to naught when former Army Commander and CDS Sarath Fonseka made a statement to a local newspaper that LTTE leaders who came with white flags were killed by the Army. The Thera was addressing a press conference of Buddhist clergy engaged in missionary activities abroad.

Confusion reigns among Tamil parties: Boycott is no answer
The right to vote is one of the important characteristics of a democracy. However, whether it is a well functioning and healthy democracy will depend on things like the people’s participation in the affairs of government during the period between elections, the existence of an environment conducive to the free expression of views, including a free press, the rule of law, and so on.

(CatholicOnline) New teachings of Scientology's "Church Father" are unveiled: L. Ron Hubbard, inventor of Dianetics and founder of Scientology, left behind a huge inventory of writings now being unveiled.

PHOTO: The comparison of L. Ron Hubbard to the Buddha is already drawing some raised eyebrows from religious scholars and will certainly cause some comments from critics of the movement.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A 25 year project to compile all the recordings and writings of L. Ron Hubbard, who passed away in 1986, has now been finished. According to Scientology leaders, over 1000 unreleased recordings of his lectures, hundreds of lectures and course materials have now been brought assembled and organized for further study.

James Hansen and Mark Bowen on Censored Science
(Climate Connections) From NPR and National Geographic, a yearlong series on how we're shaping climate — and how climate is shaping us. James Hansen has been widely described as NASA's leading climate scientist; he's been studying the topic for more than three decades, and he began speaking publicly about the threat of global warming almost 20 years ago.

First-ever English Buddhist Encyclopedia
The first-ever International English medium Encyclopedia of Buddhism is now complete, says its Chief Editor Dr. W.G. Weeraratne. The Encyclopedia of Buddhism project launched by the Sinhalese government in 1955 to commemorate the 2500th Buddha Jayanthi, under the direction of the pioneer Editor-in-Chief Professor Emeritus G.P. Malalasekera, will be completed before the end of 2010.

The Encyclopaedia of Buddhism -- covering a vast field of Buddhist doctrines and philosophy, culture and literature, and diverse Buddhist activities relating to Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism in the Buddhist world -- has been planned to be completed in eight volumes, each volume consisting of approximately 900 printed pages and an index volume.

Vietnam followers of Zen monk go underground
HANOI (AFP) — Followers of one of the world's most influential Buddhist monks say they have gone underground in Vietnam after being forced from a pagoda that gave them refuge. About 200 devotees of Thich Nhat Hanh dispersed last month from the Phuoc Hue pagoda in central Vietnam after visits by what a US-based rights group described as "orchestrated" mobs that included police.

Spirituality belongs in the workplace
(Dow Marmur, Many victims of atrocities in different parts of the world have reported that those who retained their faith were often better equipped to endure their suffering than those who either had no faith or had lost it. Though understandably many gave up on God, others remained loyal and some even found God in the midst of their ordeal.

Blair’s secret Iraq war vow to Bush
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair vowed to stand by the US over Iraq in a series of secret notes, spin doctor Alastair Campbell said yesterday.
The former PM's personal letters of support were sent to President George Bush as early as 2002, he told the Iraq Inquiry. The invasion came in March 2003. In the letters, Blair pledged Britain would stand by the US on military action if diplomacy failed to disarm Saddam Hussein of suspected weapons of mass destruction. More>>

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